- allograph
- n лингв. аллограф
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
allograph — A writing or signature made by one person for another. Dictionary from West s Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005. allograph A writing or signature made by one person for another … Law dictionary
Allograph — Al lo*graph, n. [Gr. ? another + graph.] A writing or signature made by some person other than any of the parties thereto; opposed to {autograph}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
allograph — (n.) writing made by another person, by 1916 (implied in allographic), from ALLO (Cf. allo ) + graph (see GRAPHY (Cf. graphy)) … Etymology dictionary
allograph — [al′ō graf΄, al′əgraf΄] n. [ ALLO + GRAPH] Linguis. 1. any of the ways a unit of a writing system, as the letter of an alphabet, is formed or shaped 2. any of the units or combinations of units that can represent a single phoneme, morpheme,… … English World dictionary
Allograph — Ein Allograph ist in der Linguistik die konkrete Realisierung bzw. Ausprägung oder Variante eines Graphems (Schriftzeichen). So sind a, aa, ah Allographen des Phonems /a/ und das Phonem /f/ kann auch durch das Allograph <v> (wie in Vater)… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Allograph — Al|lo|graph 〈n. 11; Sprachw.〉 = Allograf * * * Allograph [grapho...] das, s/ e, 1) Graphetik: individuell oder konventionell unterschiedliche Realisation eines Graphems, z. B. die Buchstaben in der lateinischen und in der deutschen Schrift.… … Universal-Lexikon
allograph — noun Date: 1951 1. a letter of an alphabet in a particular shape (as A or a) 2. a letter or combination of letters that is one of several ways of representing one phoneme (as pp in hopping representing the phoneme p) • allographic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
allograph — allographic /al euh graf ik/, adj. /al euh graf , grahf /, n. 1. Ling. a variant form of a grapheme that is in complementary distribution or free variation with another form of the same grapheme, as t and T or n in run and nn in runner; an… … Universalium
allograph — noun a) A variant form of a letter (or other grapheme) b) A signature made by one person for another (compare autograph) … Wiktionary
Allograph — Al|lo|graph 〈n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: e; Sprachw.〉 Variante eines Graphems, z. B. das ou od. u in »Bravour« u. »Bravur« od. die Großschreibung eines sonst kleingeschriebenen Wortes am Satzanfang; oV [Etym.: <grch. allos »anders« + graphein… … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
allograph — n. variant shape of an alphabet letter (such as: a or A ; m or M ); letter or combination of letters which is one of many ways of representing one phoneme (e.g.: pp in the word hopping represents the phoneme p ); writing or signature written down … English contemporary dictionary